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Who Said? CD

Song Sample: 9. Mender Of Broken Hearts


Lyrics: Mender Of Broken Hearts

Lord, I believe you’re the mender of broken hearts–
Of ones who are grieving and ones who are all alone,
The ones who chose poorly, and now they are coming apart,
And those who are victims of choices, but not of their own.
You ask us to reach out and cling to the words that you say:
That you’ll break the stones in our hearts,
and you’ll take them away.
Instead of a heart that can no longer feel,
You will give to us one that’s alive and is real,
And replacing the heart that is false with the one that is true,
Then we’ll know the mender of hearts that are broken is you.

Lord, I believe you’re the healer of wounded souls–
Of ones who have fought but have fallen along the ways,
The ones who are injured so deeply that none may console,
Scarred by the bad memories of their sad yesterdays.
But you endured suffering and pain, and were wounded for me,
The sweet balm of your love and sacrifice making us free.
The tears from our hurts will be all washed away
In the tears and the blood that you shed on that day
When you went to the cross to be sin for the sins we all do,
Then we’ll know the healer of souls that are wounded is you.

Lord, I believe you’re the restorer of shattered dreams–
Of ones disappointed by hopes that did not work out,
The ones who do not seem to realize their plans and their schemes,
And struggle to make sense of what their own lives are about.
So please help us learn what you planned for your people to know:
The secret of finding our dreams is in letting them go,
And trusting in you for our greatest delight,
As we’re walking by faith–though not walking by sight–
In the fullness of all that the Spirit of Life may endue,
Then we’ll know the restorer of dreams that are shattered is you.

Lord, I believe you’re the restorer of shattered dreams,
The healer of wounded souls,
The mender of broken hearts,
The maker and giver of life,
The grantor of joy and peace.

©2013 Jim Radford. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.

Who Says? CD

Bound to Be Free CD

Draw The Line/Blur The Line CD

Incarnation 2 CD






©2013 Jim Radford. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.